Many healthcare providers assist women with breastfeeding. Agencies listed below have International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), who are the most qualified to help moms experiencing breastfeeding problems. Most lactation consultants are offering telehealth visits.
Kaiser Permanente ..............................707-393-4033
Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital .............707-326-5709
Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital ....707-576-4857
Clinics and Offices (patients only)
Alliance Medical Center ........................707-433-5494
Kaiser Permanente .................................707-393-4033
Providence Pediatrics .............................707-544-6090
Providence OBGYN ................................707-303-1719
Santa Rosa Community Health Centers ...707-578-2005
West County Health Centers, Inc ..............707-824-3383
WIC (clients only)
Alliance Medical Center WIC .............707-431-0831
Sonoma County WIC ..........................707-565-6590
Private Practice IBCLCs (Home, Office or Virtual Visits) fees apply
Caitlyn Pender, IBCLC.............................541-450-3892 www.caitlynpender.com
Caitlyn O'Neill, RN IBCLC...................707-926-3510 www.pacificmoonlactation.com
Carrie Caillouette, IBCLC, M Ed, BA.......707-340-3850 www.goldenstatelactation.com
Jennifer Rousseau, RN IBCLC...........415-306-3051 www.milkmoonrising.com
Katie Oshita, RN IBCLC ....................707-241-3206 www.cuddlesandmilk.com
Kris Ahmed, MPH, IBCLC.......................510-290-5075 www.krisahmed.com
Breastfeeding Support Groups
Discussion group and sharing session led by a peer counselor, La Leche League leader, Lactation Educator, or IBCLC
Breastfeeding Cafes-sponsored by Better Beginnings
707-902-3031 (warmline)
Drop-in Support Groups:
Tuesdays at 11:00am
Sebastopol Library
7140 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol
Fridays at 11:30am
Petaluma Library
100 Fairgrounds Drive, Petaluma
Drop-in walking support group:
First and Third Wednesdays (weather permitting): 10:00 am
Howarth Park, Lake Ralphine trailhead, Santa Rosa
Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa (free, members only)......707-393-4167
Tuesdays 11:30am-12:00pm
call for virtual link
Nursing with Nurses- Sonoma County Public Health...................707-565-4440
625 5th St. Santa Rosa 95404
Free. Open to the Community
Thursdays 10:30-12:00
Sonoma County WIC ...................................................707-565-6590
1450 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa
Free for WIC participants
First Wednesday of the month: 11:30-12:15 (Spanish)
Second Wednesday of the month: 11:30-12:15 (English)
Better Beginnings for Babies ............... 707-902-3031
Breastpump Rentals
Santa Rosa Midwifery .....................707-722-2291